Image Analysis System: specifications
- Version 2.0 - current release version
Supported image types
- Support for greyscale 8-bit, binary 1-bit, single and multiple frame files.
- Import of TIFF, TARGA, Windows BMP, various proprietary formats (including AEA, Biorad, Data Translation, DIS, FFA, Itex, Kontron, Link, Magiscan, PGT, Quantimet, Seescan, Semper, Sight Systems, SIS and SFI), raw, and formatted text.
- Colour to greyscale conversion or colour separation performed automatically as needed.
- Export of TIFF, TARGA, Windows BMP, various proprietary formats (including all import formats), raw, and formatted text.
- Facilities for user definition of import/export file formats.
- Maximum size of image 30000x30000 (subject to available RAM).
- Support for data compression.
Image acquisition
- Support for Matrox frame capture hardware supported by MIL.
- Multiple channel capture and monitoring.
- Time lapse capture.
- Triggered capture.
- Frame averaging / integration.
- Support for PAL / NTSC / CCIR / RS170 and non-standard video signals (subject to hardware support).
- Integration of capture with data retrieval and control of external hardware via serial communication.
- Record audio notes linked with each captured frame.
- Support for TWAIN compliant scanning devices.
Script language
- Script language compatible with NIH Image (see note).
- Use hundreds of specialised analysis scripts developed by the NIH Image user community which are freely available.
- Extensive documentation of the script language and all individual commands, including details of differences from the NIH Image script language.
- Integrated tools for script debugging.
- Script support for image acquisition from Matrox frame capture hardware.
- Script support for serial communication.
Graphical functions
- Full range of drawing tools.
- Standard cut / copy / paste support.
- Rotate (arbitrary angle), reflect, and invert options.
- Histogram equalisation.
- Contrast remapping.
- Translate image.
- False colour functions.
- Negate image.
- Crop / resize / resample image.
- Highlight saturated pixels.
- Pseudo 3-d display of image.
Grey image functions
- 3x3 and 5x5 convolutions using standard and user-definable filters.
- Fast Fourier Transform.
- Floyd-Steinberg reduction to arbitrary number of grey levels.
- Section profile facilities.
- Background subtraction.
Grey image arithmetic
- Add, subtract, multiply, divide, AND, OR, XOR, min and max of two grey images or image sequences.
- Operate on images of different size.
- Constant arithmetic.
- Operate using third image to mask operations.
Grey image morphology
- Erode / dilate / open / close operators.
Binary image functions
- Open / save single and multi-frame binary images.
- Overlay multiple binary images onto grey image.
- Single or multiple frame binary image support.
- Standard cut / copy / paste support for individual binary images.
- Make binary images from false colour or thresholded grey image or grey image sequence.
- Full range of drawing tools operating independently on each binary image layer.
- Translate image.
- Create contour map.
- Select individual objects from one binary image into another.
- Floyd-Steinberg dither from greyscale to binary.
Binary image arithmetic
- AND, OR, XOR, NOT and IF of two binary images.
- Negate binary image.
Binary image morphology
- Erode / dilate / open / close operators.
- Set kernel for morphological operations.
- Outline operator.
- Skeletonize operator.
Analysis options
- Perform binary object analysis on selected binary image or binary image sequence.
- Basic parameters including centroid, area, perimiter, convex hull, bounding rectangle, major axis, total holes and grey value statistics.
- Create up to 12 user defined parameters.
- Output sorted parameters with restrictions on range of sort parameter and optional exclusion of objects touching the frame edge.
- Display spatial parameters.
- Define object classes and classify objects.
Sequence functions
- Maximum of 16,000 frames in sequence (subject to available RAM).
- Select current frame to view.
- Insert, delete, move frames.
- Calibrate frame separation.
- Reslice parallel to x or y axis or on line in x-y plane.
- Separate sequence into individual frames.
- Average frames.
- Integrate frames.
- Animate (single, repeat, reverse).
- Make montage from sequence.
- Use fiducial points to realign frames in sequence.
Measurement functions
- Overlay measuring tools (including ruler, protractor, square grid and calibrated grid for measuring perspective views) onto image.
- Interactively measure objects with constant display of main measurements.
- Log measurements as required.
Display options
- Zoom.
- Set pixel aspect ratio.
- Set binary overlay display order.
- Set pixel dimensions.
- Calibrate optical density.
Miscellaneous functions
- Support for multiple image windows.
- Set rectangular or arbitrary region of interest (ROI).
- Binary to ROI and ROI to binary facilities. Grey and binary image printing facilities.
- Undo/redo facilities.
- Record audio notes to store with image (per frame for sequences).
- Create montage.
- Invert y-axis.
- Extract even/odd field of grey image.
- Re-interlace grey image.
- Set font properties.
- Constant display of cursor position (calibrated if available) and pixel value (calibrated).
- Store and retrieve settings (including spatial and density calibrations, custom filters, false colours, object classes, analysis options and display attributes).
- Full context-sensitive help system.
Supported operating systems
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.
- Microsoft Windows 2000.
- Microsoft Windows XP.
Hardware requirements
- PC-compatible with a PIII/500 (or higher) CPU.
- 64 MB of memory minimum.
- 27 MB hard disk space required for typical installation.
- CD-ROM drive.
- Parallel printer port.
- Monitor resolution: 800 x 600 or greater.
- Display adapter capable of displaying 16 bit colour (or better).
- Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.
- Matrox frame capture card for image capture (optional).
- Microphone and sound card for audio notes (optional).
Note: Mention of the National Institutes of Health and the NIH Image software in the above specification does not imply any form of endorsement of the WindSword Image Analysis System by the NIH or the authors of NIH Image.