WindSword’s Image Analysis System is a powerful yet easy to use package which can meet all your needs in this complex and specialised area. Find out more…
WindSword’s Sound Processor lets you record and edit sound in a straightforward way. Find out more…
The WindSword Toolbar Editor is a resource editor which takes the pain out of creating custom toolbars for the Windows application you are developing. Find out more…
The WindSword Web site design service can provide you with the site you need to get your message over, with extensive cross-browser and cross-platform testing to help ensure maximum exposure of your product. Find out more…
WindSword Software Research Ltd, founded in 1995,
has always adhered to the philosophy of building
excellence into whatever we do, whether it is our
end-user image analysis software, our programming
tools, or Web sites we design.
Whatever we do, our
key goals are always functionality and usability.
In addition to the core products listed here, WindSword also provides Consultancy
Services in various areas, including image
analysis, software development
and translation.
If you have any queries about our services and products, our contact page gives full information on how to get in touch with WindSword.